MA-Thesis: A study on mnemonic techniques to help students of grade 6 increase their vocabulary retention at a secondary school

MA-Thesis A study on mnemonic techniques to help students of grade 6 increase their vocabulary retention at a secondary school was carried out with the aim to investigate the effects of Mnemonic techniques namely, using pictures, sematic mapping and making-up stories on the vocabulary retention of grade 6 students. The researcher conducted the study in 7 weeks with the participation of 40 students of grade 6.

MA-Thesis: A study on mnemonic techniques to help students of grade 6 increase their vocabulary retention at a secondary school

MA-Thesis: A study on mnemonic techniques to help students of grade 6 increase their vocabulary retention at a secondary school

1. Preface

1.1 Rationale

Today, being a means of international communication, English has exerted its dominance over the world. Many countries including Vietnam are attempting to improve English ability of their citizens. Vietnamese government has implemented policies to improve quality of teaching and learning English. According to this, English was introduced as the compulsory subject from primary school to high school. Students are required to pass English exams in National high school graduation exam to win places in universities. Therefore, learning and teaching English is of great importance.

1.2 Aims of the study

The study was carried out with the aim of investigating students’ improvement in vocabulary retention through using some Mnemonics techniques. Secondly, the researcher explores students’ attitudes towards using Mnemonics as learning vocabulary strategies. Then, based on the findings, recommendations are made to  improve the implementation of these techniques.

1.3 Scope of the study

The study was conducted in a class of 40 students in grade 6 at Phuc Triu Lower Secondary School in Thai Nguyen Province. There are various Mnemonic techniques; however, within limited time and the small scale of the 40 -student class, I have decided to focus on the effects of three techniques proposed by Thompson (1987) namely: using pictures, semantic mapping and making-up stories

1.4 The significance of this study

The significance of this study was that via the results, the researcher could determine the effectiveness of using Mnemonic techniques on student’s vocabulary retention. Then, the findings of the research could be a useful reference for other teachers who have made efforts enhancing students’ vocabulary retention. Finally, it would pave the way for further studies on vocabulary learning in the future.

2. Content

2.1 Literature review

Vocabulary and its importance in language learning

Vocabulary learning in English language acquisition

Teaching vocabulary with Mnemonic techniques

Previous studies on teaching vocabulary with Mnemonic techniques

2.2 Research methodology


Research questions

Methods of the study

Data collection instruments

Data Collection Procedure

Data analytical method

2.3 Findings and discussion

Findings from pretest and posttest

Findings from questionnaire

Findings from class observation

3. Conclusion 

This study aimed to investigate the effects of Mnemonic techniques on students’ vocabulary retention and students’ attitude toward the use of these techniques. Majority of students in the study had difficulty in vocabulary learning, which causes them fail to acquire language skills. The study was conducted in 7 weeks. Data of the study was collected via the pretest, posttest, questionnaire and lass observation

4. References

Ahmed, M. O. (1989). Vocabulary learning strategies. London: British Association for Applied Linguistics, in association with Centre for Information on

Language Teaching and Research. Allen, V. F. (1983). Techniques in teaching vocabulary. New York: Oxford University Press

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